30 July 2015

news / Pavana 3...

Pavana 3 (Luis de Milán). A palimpsest. Layers of perception. Where is the "truth"?

29 June 2015

news / Nana de Sevilla...

Nana de Sevilla (Federico García Lorca). "Este niño chiquito no tiene cuna"... "This little boy has no cradle"...

24 June 2015

news / Sevillanas del siglo XVIII...

Sevillanas del siglo XVIII (Federico García Lorca). "¡Ay, río de Sevilla!, ¡qué bien pareces!, lleno de velas blancas y ramas verdes"... "Oh, river of Seville, how beautiful you look, full of white sails and green branches"...

news / Las morillas de Jaén...

Las morillas de Jaén (Federico García Lorca). "¿Quién sois, señoras,
de mi vida robadoras?"... “Who are you, ladies, who rob me of my life?”...

news / Las tres hojas...

Las tres hojas (Federico García Lorca). "Debajo de la hoja del perejil, tengo a mi amante malo"... "Beneath the leaf of parsley, lies my sick lover"...

27 May 2015

news / Perseus...

Perseus. To go on adventures and quests and to be helped by gods...

22 May 2015

news / Pavo...

Pavo. Do not sacrifice your freedom for the sake of pomp and show (via a fable).

19 May 2015

16 March 2015

news / With Maria Raducanu...

With Maria Raducanu, telling stories about the truth, good, beauty and other enigmas (Sofia, Bulgaria, December of 2014).

12 March 2015

news / Cançó...

Cançó del lladre. The song of the thief (Catalan folk song).
Some stolen sounds from the Universe's bucket. One steals what one needs...